Chris Easter
Longtime friend of the team and legend within the military combatives space....
Chris Easter, a 30-year USAF veteran retiring as a Command Master Chief. also a 4th-degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and former MMA fighter with an 8-3 pro record. Chris doesn't rest on what he USED to do, Chris continues to live by the "chase your stoke" mantra, inspiring others through his passion for martial arts. While on active duty he was known for creating BJJ/MMA clubs at all his duty stations, even while deployed, and he also played a key role in the development of the USAF Combatives Program. A consumate professional ,gifted teacher, and selfless warrior he always made time for anyone that wanted to learn. Now based in San Antonio, TX, he founded The Jiu Jitsu Syndicate and partners with WeDefy Foundation to offer free training to combat-wounded vets. As if that wasn't enough, here are a FEW of his most recent competition results,
Ranked #2 in World in NoGi Master's Division 2022-2023
World Championships No-GI
2024 Double Gold (weight class and openweight)
2023 Bronze
2022 Silver
2021 Gold
Pan-American Championships
2024 Gold (weight class) and Silver (openweight)
Pan-American Championships No-GI
2022 Gold (weight class) Silver (openweight)
2021 Gold
instagram @christopher.easter.90 @jiujitsusyndicatesa
Chris isn't slowing down and we are here to support it,